
Good Cheer Warms Glittery Snow Ball

<i> For The Times</i>

Neither rain, nor wind, nor flooded streets kept guests away from the Children’s League of Fullerton’s 35th annual Snow Ball dinner-dance. “We’re a hardy lot,” said league president Janet Van Diest. “We live from Snow Ball to Snow Ball!”

Despite the rough weather, 260 guests put on holiday finery Friday and headed for the Grand Hotel in Anaheim--with stops along the way at cocktail parties in the homes of league members. “It’s one of our special touches,” Van Diest said of the soirees hosted by Kris and Jim Hardeman, Sharon and Clair Brumbaugh and Carol and Jeff Albert.

With other parties behind them, guests arrived at the Grand Hotel’s Crystal Ballroom in high spirits. “How am I going to get these people to sit down and eat?” asked Pat Jass, event chairwoman. Not that Jass had anything against the laughter and good cheer bubbling beneath the crystal chandeliers.


Decorations chairwoman Yvonne Chavez breathed a sigh of cosmic relief as she swept into theballroom in a strapless emerald-green gown. “(For the ball) Pat Jass had a vision of something that snow had fallen on,” Chavez said, “so we really got going with the opalescent glitter.” Glitter on the white silk poinsettia centerpieces. Glitter spilling out around the place settings. And glitter on Chavez’s pale neck and shoulders.

Van Diest said net proceeds, estimated at $10,000, will be used to maintain the league-funded Youth Center and its programs that enhance the lives of Fullerton children.
