
Against an Arts Complex in the Basin

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I strongly oppose development of a $40-million cultural arts complex in the Sepulveda Basin.

Many have characterized supporters of the recently enacted measure to restrict non-residential growth (Proposition U) as having an “I’ve got mine, now close the gates” mentality. In reality, voters were telling city officials and their planners, “I’ve got mine, but I can’t get to it.”

The proposed cultural arts complex is another example of the lack of understanding of the serious traffic congestion in areas near the Sepulveda Dam.


Residents in the surrounding communities are not culturally deprived. They are strangling from too much traffic as a result of years of unbridled growth and non-planning by L.A. government.

It is unthinkable that the city would now consider a project that will not only add traffic to surface streets but will surely exacerbate an already intolerable situation on the 101 and 405 freeways.

The Los Angeles City Council must heed the unambiguous message from voters when they passed Prop. U--stop approving major non-residential development until you can ensure adequate traffic and environmental protection for Los Angeles residents.



Los Angeles

Rosenthal represents the 22nd District in the California Senate.
