
Long Beach : Billboard Ban Approved

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A moratorium on billboards facing the Artesia Freeway is in the works, and an identical freeze on billboards for all the city’s freeways may be next.

The City Council on Tuesday gave its initial approval to a request by Vice Mayor Warren Harwood to place an emergency 120-day moratorium on outdoor advertising signs within 1,000 feet of the Artesia Freeway. Meanwhile, the Planning Commission will study the city’s sign ordinance in the next few months.

Councilman Evan Anderson Braude voted against the moratorium, saying that if the council restricts billboards on one freeway, it should do the same in the rest of the city. That proposal will resurface next week.


Council members Tom Clark and Jan Hall, who objected to the moratorium last week, were not present at this week’s meeting for the 6-1 vote.
