
Obituaries - Jan. 5, 1988

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Rolf Presthus, Norwegian Opposition Leader

Rolf Presthus, 51, Norway’s main opposition leader and former Conservative Party finance minister. Presthus saw his ambitions of becoming Norway’s prime minister dashed last spring when he failed to oust Gro Harlem Brundtland’s minority Labor Party government and form a center-right coalition. The vote of no-confidence he forced on Labor’s economic policies was narrowly defeated in Parliament, leaving the opposition in disarray and damaging Presthus’ political reputation. After the Conservatives lost ground in September elections, Presthus announced he would step down as Conservative chairman at the 1988 party congress. Presthus served as finance minister from 1981 until 1986 under Conservative Prime Minister Kaare Willoch. In Oslo on Friday of a brain hemorrhage.
