
Robertson Criticizes Israel as Using ‘Excessive’ Force in Arab Unrest

Associated Press

Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson criticized Israel on Thursday for an “excessive use of force” in dealing with Arab unrest on the West Bank and predicted that such action would produce additional violence.

Robertson pledged to convene a Middle East peace conference in Washington if elected President and to invite leaders of Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and perhaps the Palestine Liberation Organization.

In fielding questions on a call-in program on radio station WHO, the former television evangelist said that news coverage of him and his campaign has been “neither fair nor factual.”


Robertson, stumping in candidate-crowded Iowa in advance of its Feb. 8 presidential caucuses, defended Israel’s right to exist within “secure borders.” He said he doubted it will ever be possible to have a “Palestinian entity inside Israel.”

In Washington, meanwhile, Robertson lost his plea to postpone the March 8 start of the trial in his libel suit against a former congressman who questioned Robertson’s Korean War record.

The trial is set to begin on the day known as Super Tuesday on the political calendar.
