
Local News in Brief : ‘Motivated’ to Retire


Gary Jerome Levinson, a Hollywood resident charged with 10 counts of distributing obscene material after the recent seizure of videos with such names as “Little Boy Snuffed” and “Kiddie Killer” from his apartment, declared Thursday that he may “retire” from the sex video business due to “persecution” by the city attorney’s office.

Levinson, 38, who has been accused by Deputy City Atty. Michael Guarino of selling “the worst” obscene material he has seen, made the statements before surrendering to authorities at the Hollywood police station. Levinson was out of town vacationing last week when Guarino filed the misdemeanor charges.

Accusing the city attorney’s office of being more interested in publicity than in fighting crime, Levinson said: “I’m not some porno kingpin. I’m some guy in a one-room apartment making a minor living.”
