
UCI’s Erotic Films

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This is in response to Randy Lewis’ Nov. 29 article on the “Hollywood Erotic Film Festival” at UCI (“Filth or Art, They Both Sell Tickets”).

I was one of those audience members that night. As a freshman living on campus, I discovered that there was little to do in the area during the weekend, so a friend asked me if I wanted to go see the films. I went figuring it would be part of my “educational experience” at UCI. I knew it was an “erotic film festival,” but I figured they couldn’t show anything of the “Debbie Does Dallas” caliber. (Yes, I admit that I have seen it.)

When I first walked in, I quickly surveyed the audience to see the type of people who go see these. Behind me were people from the Gay and Lesbian Student Union; in front of me was a middle-aged couple, and around the room were some women and mostly men. I found it interesting that the movies could appeal to such a diverse crowd.


Unlike the misguided Randy Lewis, I did not hear any “Neanderthal-like grunts.” All I heard (and said for that matter) were some giggles and an occasional “What the hell did that mean?”

In our academic surrounding, you have to understand that we are trying to be educated in all forms. It can’t be taken for granted that the few purely explicit scenes are not educational. Some segments educated the mind; others educated the morals. The series was “Cinema for the Senses,” and one thing I have learned the past nine weeks is that there are other types of senses than the basic five. There are the sense of balance, the sense of direction and the sense of arousal.

Obviously, the films were presented in order to stimulate that sense. What Lewis omitted is that most of the films were animated and amusing in technique. If I wanted to see people having unbridled sex, I could always rent a movie--after all, I can do that. I’m in college. By the way, there are few theaters that give a student discount anymore--not even the one across the street.



