
The Worst of Rock

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Did Goldstein do any research for his column of the worst 10 albums of 1987? I am still not sure if he was trying to be serious, or if the whole column was a joke.

Has anyone told him that there is no song titled “As Tears Go By” on Carly Simon’s “Coming Around Again.” While the song “As Time Goes By” is not the high point of the album, it in no way makes it a candidate for one of the worst of 1987.

I understand Goldstein is the Rona Barrett of The Times, but when did he raise himself to critic? A poor critic at that.


The new album by Cher on his worst list shows how little taste this man has. Perhaps if he were to listen to the album he would not have written her off as a “pop comeback starlet.”

Cher is not a starlet but a first-class actress, and songs such as “perfection” and “I Found Someone” were not recorded by a pop lightweight but a singer who can bring depth and emotion to a song.


Eagle Rock
