
Gang Problems in Los Angeles


I would like to comment on the article by Alva Stevenson, a black woman living in South-Central Los Angeles (Op-Ed Page, Feb. 29). I am a black man, also living in that area, and my life style is now the same as hers, one of living constantly in danger.

I think there is at least a partial solution to today’s crime prevalence. I keep reading about gang members, too often black, who commit random murders, among other violence. These gangs are usually composed of youths who are not in school, are therefore not getting an education and will always be unemployable.

Much of this is the fault of their parents, even if only one parent, frequently a mother who may be working. I realize that working parents may not have sufficient time to discipline their children, but I also realize that they do not try hard enough. Where are the truant officers who used to catch me playing hooky and return me either to my home or back to my school? If these young thugs could be kept in school and be educated, they would become employable and not need to resort to the streets, drugs and crime.


Parents, if you do your duty at home, the world and your neighborhood will be much better off, and so will your children. But they must be supervised by someone, and that someone is you.


Los Angeles
