
Hermosa Beach Ends Parking Subsidy


The Hermosa Beach City Council has voted to stop subsidizing parking at downtown lots.

Acting as the Vehicle Parking District Commission, the council on Tuesday abandoned a policy in which the city shared the cost of parking validations with merchants to encourage business.

General Services Director Joan Noon told the council that the old policy had not significantly helped downtown business or increased sales tax revenue to the city.

The council also approved parking rates recommended by Allright Parking, which operates the three city lots. From Oct. 1 to March 31, parking will cost 50 cents for each half-hour with a maximum of $5, up from the previous $2.50 maximum. From April 1 to Sept. 30, the rates will be $1 for each half- hour and $12 maximum.


The price of half-hour validation stamps to merchants was frozen at 20 cents each or $8 for a book of 40. The price had been due to rise to 25 cents this month and increase 5 cents a year until 1990.
