
Awash in Recycled Waste Water


I read an article in The Times this year (Times, Jan. 31) that extolled the forward thinking of the city fathers of Cerritos to use the Los Coyotes Water Reclamation Plant to help irrigate city property and parks. This places “Cerritos among the state’s biggest consumers of recycled waste water.”

I find no fault with the article, or the persons who developed the plan for this project. I do, however, fault the persons who have the responsibility to activate the watering systems and to control how the water is distributed. Some or all of the waste water that is being reclaimed is in turn being wasted on the city streets of Cerritos! How do I know this? Because it never fails that after having washed my car, I always pick the wrong way to drive through Cerritos from my home in east Lakewood. On some of the mornings when I choose to drive on Bloomfield Avenue passing by City Hall, there are large pools of water on 183rd Street, Bloomfield, Del Amo Boulevard and South Street.

Any municipality that strives for means of coping with water shortages is to be commended. Let’s just hope that all of the departments are in sync, and that one does not embarrass the other by flagrant acts.



