
‘Incompetents at Helm of State’


Perhaps McFarlane should have looked inward before writing his article.

He asks, “How would we arrive at such a parlous state of incompetence among executive branch foreign-policy officials, from the President to the Cabinet officers to other appointed high and mid-level officials?” And he tees off on the electorate, Congress, and the press for their failure to establish an outstanding functioning government for the great United States.

He’s right in that scores of high-level people have been giving mediocre performances in government service. Some of them have been investigated, and some indicted, for evasion of the law. McFarlane should ask himself if he was one of them and do some honest introspection. Perhaps if he finds some solid clues to account for his actions he will know why so many others behaved as they did.

In any case his piece highlighted the frailties that all humans share.

It’s time for all of us to mold strength from weakness; to focus energy, honesty and integrity on revitalizing this great democracy--and on building a safe, secure world. Working together we can do it.



Rancho Palos Verdes
