
Area Cities : Rail-Haul Recommended

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The San Gabriel Valley Assn. of Cities will decide May 26 whether to ask the county Sanitation Districts to solicit proposals from contractors to take trash by rail to distant disposal sites.

The step was recommended by an association committee headed by West Covina Mayor Nancy Manners after a study by the Southern California Assn. of Governments found that shipping trash by rail to remote areas is a potential solution to the area’s trash disposal problems.

The committee recommended that the Sanitation Districts be asked to solicit rail-haul proposals and that the county adopt rail-haul as part of its waste management strategy for the 1990s.


Gill Hicks, who directed the rail-haul study, outlined the findings at a meeting of the 28-city association last week in West Covina. The association deferred action on the committee’s recommendations until May 26 to give city officials time to read the full 300-page study.
