
San Marino : Demoted Principal Backed

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Thirty-six members of the faculty and staff at Huntington Junior High School took the unusual step of placing a full-page advertisement in San Marino’s weekly newspaper, the Tribune, last week to praise Principal Wallace Spencer, who has been demoted to classroom teaching next year.

Although the ad does not ask the Board of Education to reverse the action that was announced a week earlier, two teachers who asked not to be identified said they hope that the board will reconsider its move to replace Spencer as principal and assign him to teach math at San Marino High School.

Supt. Gary Richards would not say why Spencer was reassigned and said the board’s decision was final.


Spencer has been principal of the Huntington school, San Marino’s only junior high, for two years, and had been vice principal for six years. He taught math many of his 28 years with the district. He said he had no comment on his reassignment.

A Tribune spokesman said the ad cost $538.65. In it, teachers and staff lauded Spencer for his administration of a school that had four principals and six vice principals in the last 10 years and credited him with inspiring high teacher morale.
