

<i> Compiled by Terry Atkinson</i>

“The Legends of Malibu.” Frontline. $24.95. A 45-minute documentary on California surfers includes “the real story” behind the original Gidget and Kahuna, a talk with the Beach Boys’ Bruce Johnston and a look at the work of film maker Bruce Brown (“Endless Summer”). Narrated by Corky Carroll, with music by the Beach Boys, the Surfaris and the Surf Raiders. Cowabunga! Information: (619) 481-5566.

“Charlene Prickett Health Fitness.” J2. $19.95 each. Three tapes from Canadian aerobics specialist, who’s not to be confused with “Callanetics’s” Callan Pinckney. “No Jump” is for beginners, “Hang in There” is for intermediate, and “Rev Up” is for advanced.

“Robert Longo: Arena Brains.” Elektra. $24. New York artist Longo has done notable videos for R.E.M. and New Order; here he’s put together a 35-minute “visual short story” set to music by the Doors, the Cure, Anita Baker and Simply Red.


“Armageddon.” Sony. $59.95. If you’re longing for more scary predictions following the Nostradamus-earthquake alarm, here’s a 102-minute Canadian documentary that examines the history of world-destruction prophecies.

“The Final Chapter.” Sony. $59.95. More nerve jangling in this Canadian documentary about nuclear weaponry.

“Savage and Beautiful.” Sony $19.95. On the other hand, maybe you’d just rather look at some lions, whales and bears. This 60-minute nature documentary features music by Vangelis and narration by Donald Sutherland.

“VH-1 ‘60s Music Video Album.” “VH-1 ‘70s Music Video Album.” Wood Knapp. $19.95 each. Two 35-minute collections from the cable channel.

“Senior Shape-Up.” Yablon. $33.95. Exercise for older people. 45 minutes. Information: (717) 939-4545.
