
Olympia Dukakis Loses Bid to Be Delegate for Michael

United Press International

Oscar-winning actress Olympia Dukakis lost her bid to be a Democratic National Convention delegate pledged to her cousin, nominee Michael S. Dukakis, unofficial returns showed today.

Olympia Dukakis, a Montclair resident, went down to defeat in Tuesday’s New Jersey presidential primary as part of Michael Dukakis’ five-member delegate slate in the 18th Delegate District.

The district includes parts of Newark, which went heavily for Jackson.

The results were fairly close. With 283 of 286 precincts reporting, the Jackson slate had 53% of the vote and the Dukakis slate just under 45%.


Olympia Dukakis plugged her cousin on national television while accepting her Oscar as best supporting actress this year in “Moonstruck” and has been involved in fund raising and phone campaigning at state campaign headquarters.
