
L.A. Transit


With regard to the recent article by Roger Teal (Op-Ed Page, June 21) on three separate modes of vehicle and track for Los Angeles’ burgeoning rail system, let me say that this man shares some of the responsibility for our current transit dilemma. His desire to limit the efficiency of the system will only prolong our transportation agony. Express trips must be assured in order to maximize rider usage and eliminate the gridlock that threatens the very sanity of each individual on the roads today.

The freeway has not been a wise investment of our transit dollar. There has been a ludicrous double standard in the allotment of funding between rail transit and freeways. Countless billions of dollars of real estate have been taken off of the county tax rolls in order to make way for the freeways. No limitations have been placed upon cost for the freeways. Does anybody really know what the actual cost of our freeway system is?


Los Angeles
