
Local News in Brief : South County : Laguna Clinic Closes Its Assault Hotline

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The crisis and sexual assault program of the Laguna Beach Community Clinic has discontinued its hot line.

The hot line, which cost $60,000 a year to maintain, was closed because the center has had to support the line on its own since it lost state funding two years ago, according to Bill Plumb, who works with the clinic’s program development department.

Since the county has two other similar hot lines, the loss of the program would have the least impact on the community, Plumb said.


“It wasn’t an easy decision,” Plumb said, adding that the clinic’s board of directors has been discussing the issue for more than a year.

Those seeking immediate telephone counseling for sexual assault should either call the Orange County Sexual Assault Network at (714) 831-9110 or the Victim/Witness Assistance Program at (714) 957-2737. Volunteers at those telephone lines help rape and sexual assault victims get appropriate evidence examinations, contact police departments and pursue prosecution.
