
A Hot Teapot That Knows When to Quit


Helen Bogue of Ventura is steaming because she can’t find an electric tea kettle with a switch that turns the current off when the water is hot. Can you come up with a source before Bogue is really tea-ed off, or is she just whistling in the dark over a lot of hot air?

For her husband, Jo Frost of Highland Park is looking for men’s terrycloth sport shirts with one pocket and with slits on each side. Can you help before her husband has to bare some intimate details, or will he be unable to rough it unless somebody takes his shirt off his back?

Mrs. George Norton of Los Angeles would like to find someone who can refinish an old cast-iron pot with baked-enamel finish . Can you help before the utensil goes completely to pot, or will Norton have to consider her culinary career to be at a finish?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Helen at (818) 286-9460 needs the seat that fits on an A-jay playmate golf bag cart ; the brand has been discontinued for years. If you could help Helen out of the rough, we can guarantee that she would be anything but tee’d off. . . . Bob at (213) 836-6207 would like an instruction booklet for an electronic Singer Diana sewing machine, Model No. 560. Please go by the book, if only so he will stop needling us.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

Every once in a while we get a request for repairing damaged perfume bottle stoppers. Beryl Catlin of Ojai says Wayne Montano, 293 E. Redlands Blvd., San Bernardino, (714) 825-9214, puts a stop to such problems.
