

Clipboard researched by Dallas Jamison and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

According the the most recent Times Orange County Poll, a plurality of residents think the primary responsibility for taking care of the homeless lies with federal and state government. Local government runs a distant second, with roughly the same percentage saying this should be the province of more than one institution. Mentioned least often are private charities and churches, by 12%--the same percentage as sees the problem as no one’s responsibility. This question was asked: “Who should have primary responsibility for taking care of the homeless?” Here are the results:

Federal/ Private More than State Local Charities/ One City Government Government Churches Institution TOTAL 43% 16% 12% 17% AGE 18-34 Years 49 17 9 15 35-54 Years 41 15 15 15 55 and Older 34 16 11 24 HOUSEHOLD INCOME $60,000 and more 45 14 17 12 $40,000-$59,999 48 15 11 15 Less than $40,000 41 19 8 20 REGION * North County 42 16 11 20 South County 45 16 12 13

No One’s City Responsibility TOTAL 12% AGE 18-34 Years 10 35-54 Years 14 55 and Older 15 HOUSEHOLD INCOME $60,000 and more 12 $40,000-$59,999 11 Less than $40,000 12 REGION * North County 11 South County 14


* The north-south regional demarcation point is the Costa Mesa Freeway.
