
Baldwin Park : Schools Chief Seeks Culprits


School Supt. E. David Barker said he will go to Sacramento today to check records of tests taken by third-grade classes at the Pleasant View Elementary School, one of 40 schools in the state that were reported to have falsified 1985 California Assessment Program scores.

Barker said he hopes to identify teachers responsible for erasing and falsifying scores that improved the ranking of Pleasant View third-graders in written expression, reading and math tests that year.

“It’s probably one teacher--if it’s anyone,” Barker said. He said the altered scores, which the State Department of Education discarded after a computer identified erasures, did not change Baldwin Park Unified School District’s ranking, which has been improving for several years.


The Department of Education notified school districts of the erasures last year, but the information was not made public until last week.
