
She’s Looking for a Finn Place to Show

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Florence Muktarian of Sacramento needs four place settings of Arabia stoneware in the Anemone pattern; the dishes are made in Finland. Can you show some Southern hospitality and help with a source, or will Muktarian wonder whether this whole thing is a crock as she crosses the finish line?

Clare Stern of Hollywood would like to find some photo cubes (cubes made of plastic on which you can affix photographs); photo stores say the item used to be around, but hasn’t been seen in a while. Without taking a negative attitude, can you help Stern get the picture, or will making a snap judgment convince her to start from square one?

Leslie Tryon of Carmel Valley wants to get her hands around some of the stainless-steel holders for plastic cones from which people drank soda, juice or just plain water at neighborhood drugstore counters years ago. Can you help juice up Tryon’s life, or will she have to steel herself to being called a (soda)jerk because her hopes just won’t hold up?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Mary Anne at (805) 526-0858 would like a full-body Mickey Mouse cake pan similar to one she gave away many years ago. Please don’t Mickey Mouse around with this request, so Many Anne’s family can have minnie minnie tasty moments. . . . Mrs. Murota at (213) 721-2881 needs a canvas cover for an aluminum Barwa lounge chair ; she has been told that the item is no longer being made. Because this is an election year, please see to it that reader Murota becomes a rarity--a chair-woman who is all in favor of a cover-up. . . . Margaret at (714) 545-6272 could use the various parts to a four-track tape player so she can repair the one she has now. Can you please cut through a lot of red tape and get Margaret’s machine back on track?

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

Will the helpful reader who called Glen Allen’s home a few weeks ago about glass carpet protectors please try once more? Allen’s wife had not told him that her request might be in the paper. And because he had to step from the shower to answer the phone, he was all wet that day in more ways than one.

Lynn Christie of La Crescenta, who wanted someone to restore a 19th-Century rocking horse, need not worry about people saying neigh to her request. Only a short gallop away is June Reely of Flying Tails, 1209 S. Indiana Ave., South Pasadena, (213) 256-8657, who says she and her husband specialize in restoring carrousel horses and rockers. Michael Wenthur of 10009 Gaviota Ave., Mission Hills, Calif. 91340, states that he builds one-of-a-kind items and restores handmade furniture and would be interested in horsing around Christie’s rocker. And Patty Paine of Paint Your Wagon, 1333 W. Washington Blvd., Venice, (213) 392-4737, says she has done many rocking horses in her shop; she specializes in custom hand-painting and design.


Rose Marie Page of Whittier, who wanted a hand-cranked ice crusher for her RV, started a crush of mail: About a dozen readers said they had ice crushers they would be willing to give up. So if Page--or anyone else--is interested, just send us some crank mail, but don’t forget to enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

For Gerald Brill of Arcadia, who wanted eyeshades like those the airlines used to hand out years ago, we have a number of shady answers. John Maher of the Eye Centre, 4201 Torrance Blvd., Suite 150, Torrance, (213) 540-3937, says he has a few of these shades. William Heller of Los Angeles says Brenda Himmel Stationery, 1126 Montana Ave., Santa Monica, (213) 395-2437, has these shades. And Frank Saraczewski says they can be found at Consumers Drug Store in Hollywood. We also heard from two readers who have seen the light and are willing to dispose of their eyeshades; a stamped, self-addressed envelope will be an eye-opener.

Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
