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Dan Sullivan writes he does not understand why patrons of the Music Center have had to pay for Performing Arts magazine while patrons of other venues we serve receive it free (“Sometimes There’s Good News,” Sept. 18). Let’s try to set the record straight.

Twenty-two years ago, when Performing Arts first appeared at the Music Center, it was distributed free. However, after some years of mounting deficits, it became clear that this free, large publication was uneconomic. Accordingly, the Music Center was offered the option of either accepting a smaller (5 1/2-by-8-inch) book for free distribution or maintaining the large book to be sold to an estimated 50% of the audience. The Music Center chose the large book and to retain 90% of the sales prices.

This decision has contributed to the creation of a program that is arguably the best of its kind in the United States and has generated over $2 million in support of the arts in Los Angeles. Have we finally got it straight, Dan?



Performing Arts Network

In-theater magazine publisher
