
Bishop’s Headstone for Aborted Fetuses


The photo of Bishop Norman McFarland, the Knights of Columbus and the burial plaque for the 31,000 Orange County fetuses (Oct. 3) did nothing for women and the church. Regrettably, your article did not mention the fact that the Catholic Church in Orange County supports life through such organizations as the Life Center, Family Services and St. Vincent de Paul Society. These and other private organizations are the so-called “thousand beacons of light” that are increasingly being called upon to provide services because of housing, hunger and health-care shortfalls by government and industry.

Abortion masks the issues of health care, sexism, self-esteem and economic justice for women. Women struggling in professions for pay equity and related benefits; women in destructive/violent relationships who need the support system to resolve such relationships. Only when we address these issues can we begin to provide answers to the abortion issue.

We cannot judge others for their moral decisions. The decision to choose to terminate a pregnancy has to be between the woman and her physician. The only place for government in this decision is to provide the funds for the implementation of the health-care decision.


To legislate against abortion is to relegate women, particularly poor women, to the back of the bus.


Huntington Beach
