
Homeowner Group Not Representative

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We challenge the Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization’s continued insistence on speaking for the entire “community” regarding Warner Ridge.

Your Sept. 23 article “Woodland Hills High-Rise Foes Boo Picus Over Neutral Stance” conveys the impression that the organization represents the neighboring community. It doesn’t. In fact, those who live closest to the Warner Ridge property support the development plans we have presented.

Specifically, the recently revised Warner Ridge plan has the support of the Pierce College administration and the majority of the agricultural faculty. These departments of the college are in favor of our project because it buffers their agricultural activities from the impacts of Warner Center and helps preserve the continuation of the college’s farm programs. The project has been endorsed by the local business community represented by the 850-member Woodland Hills Chamber of Commerce. It also has the support of Warner Hill, the community of 66 townhomes located directly across Oxnard Street from Warner Ridge. The homeowners immediately adjacent to the site on Exhibit Place favor our project as do many other residents within the Carlton Terrace neighborhood.


The majority of the Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization’s members live south of Ventura Boulevard. The majority of those who live closest to Warner Ridge support our plans for a low- to mid-rise neighborhood office park. They favor our plans to close the Oxnard Street access to the project. They like the location of the buildings relative to their homes and Pierce College. The want the lush landscaping we are including throughout the site. Those who support our project have told us they do not want multifamily housing (the only feasible residential alternative) on this property. Those who live south of Ventura Boulevard should consider the wishes of those who live adjacent to Warner Ridge.



Woodland Hills

The writers are developers of the Warner Ridge office project.
