
Strawberry Would Be Easy Pickings in L.A.


Darryl Strawberry was quoted (Oct. 4) as saying: “I just want to go where 35 homers are appreciated, where I don’t have the pressure of always living up to someone else’s expectations, where if I hit 30 homers, the fans and media aren’t asking why I didn’t hit 40.”

So where on the sports map does Strawberry think he’ll find this oasis of reverence and compassion? Why Los Angeles, of course--city of eternally loyal, soft-hearted fans and gee-whiz press corps.

This kid is an impressive hitter, but obviously naive to the real world here in Los Angeles. Sure, if he becomes a Dodger, he can get away with one “average” season--say 35 home runs, 100 RBIs. But after that, he’ll be fair game, and he’ll never escape the questions: “When are you going to hit 40 homers, Darryl? When are you going to fulfill your potential?” and if he hits 40, then we’re going to want to know, “Can you do it again next year?”


New York or Los Angeles, it doesn’t matter--Strawberry is always going to be measured against his past accomplishments and his vast potential--and he can’t hide from that pressure wherever.


Pacific Palisades
