
His Fear of Flying Hits Home

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Florida State football Coach Bobby Bowden, talking about the perils of recruiting, recalled a trip he took on a small plane that ran into a storm.

The pilot, trying to ease Bowden’s fears, said, “Do you realize that more accidents happen in the bathrooms of homes than in airplanes?”

Says Bowden: “Now, I’m afraid to go to the bathroom.”

Add Flights: Writer Steve Cameron, recalling a troubled flight by the Kansas City Chiefs, said, “I saw 250-pound guys whining like babies.”


The pilot announced that the plane would make an emergency landing in St. Louis and that the runway would be covered with foam as a precaution.

Cameron: “Bobby Bell, the Hall of Fame linebacker, got up and screamed, ‘I’m allergic to foam.’ ”

Trivia Time: When the Dodgers won the World Series in 1981, who won the MVP award? (Answer below.)


Would-you-believe-it dept.: From Steve Fainaru of the Hartford Courant: “After Oakland’s 4-3 loss in Game 4, Dave Stewart was standing by his locker answering questions good-naturedly when a vacant-looking man in a gray suit approached and asked him something about ‘whether he felt like Abbott and Costello. You know, who’s on first?’

“Stewart actually answered the question: ‘No, I wasn’t thinking about that.’ The man turned out to be a fan who had stolen a press box seat tag and used it to get into the clubhouse.

“That’s how it was for the A’s all Series--weird.”

Tim Kurkjian of the Baltimore Sun, on Kirk Gibson: “He is painted as the cave man--a crude, rude guy who never shaves. True, he did walk around the Dodger clubhouse yelling at writers, ‘Get out of here, you animals.’ Still, he came across as a sincere, somewhat sensitive guy who is pretty well-spoken. As for his abrasiveness, it’s because he wants to win more than anyone else we ever have seen.”


Add Gibson: Here’s what he said Jan. 31 at the Dodger Stadium press conference announcing his signing: “I’m critical of myself. I enjoy pressure. If we’re down by a run in the ninth inning and we’ve got a guy on, I want to be up there.”

Arthur Richman, traveling secretary of the New York Mets, told the New York Daily News he is angry because the players voted him only a one-quarter share of postseason money. He said he got a half-share when the Mets won the World Series in 1986.

“It’s an insult,” he said. “I’m going to give it back to them or donate it to the ASPCA. I treat my dogs better.”

He added: “Hey, it’s their money, but they come to me like children with their stupid requests. When they get in jail, they call me at 4 a.m. to get them out. Next time, they can sit there.”

For What It’s Worth: The 1969 Mets, with whom the 1988 Dodgers have been compared, started this lineup in the opening game against Baltimore: Tommie Agee, cf; Bud Harrelson, ss; Cleon Jones, lf; Donn Clendenon, lb; Ron Swoboda, rf; Ed Charles, 3b; Jerry Grote, c; Al Weis, 2b; Tom Seaver, p.

Trivia Answer: Ron Cey, Steve Yeager and Pedro Guerrero shared it.


Dave Anderson, on the Dodger lineup for Game 4 of the World Series: “The only way the lineup could have been worse is if I was in it.”
