
County Elections Promise More Than a Measure of Controversy : Fireworks Over Stanton’s Measure Z

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Your editorial “Fireworks: No on Z” (Oct. 20) was appalling, to say the least. The article gives the impression that fireworks should be placed on the same low plateau as drug pushing or murders. How petty! If the people of Stanton do vote “yes” on Measure Z, why should you condemn them for their decision? Your editorial leads the reader to believe that fireworks cannot be used safely, as they are in many cities. Sure, houses have been burned down due to fireworks. But to ban their use is as silly as allowing nobody to drive because there was a nasty car collision yesterday. I’m sorry, but houses are going to burn down with or without fireworks.

In addition, your editorial gives youth groups that sell fireworks for support of their organization a bad name. And please don’t make the ridiculous statement that youth groups who sell fireworks dishonor our nation. To the contrary, they honor our nation by selling fireworks to commemorate the independence of our great nation.


