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Orange County has women’s and a men’s jail testing programs to detect the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A positive test indicates infection by the virus, which can lead to diseases indicative of AIDS. The women’s program was started in March, 1985 and offers voluntary testing for those known to be in high-risk groups. Most of those tested are prostitutes and intravenous drug users. The testing is accompanied by pre- and post-test counseling. As of Aug. 31, 1988, the latest date for which information is available, 2,758 tests had been completed. Fifty-one women have tested positive, a ratio of 1.8 positives per 100 tests. Of the 1,702 women involved, 422 had more than one test. Of these 422, the results of 15 changed from negative to positive results.

The men’s program started in September, 1987, and is voluntary for all individuals receiving physical examinations while in jail. All inmates receive pre-test counseling; post-test counseling is offered only if results are positive. Of the 858 tests administered as of Aug. 31, 35, or 4.1% were positive. Here are the results from both programs:

Tested Tested Total % Tested Positive Negative Tested Positive WOMEN’S JAIL TESTING PROGRAM Ethnic Group White 28 992 1,020 2.7 Hispanic 17 528 545 3.1 Black 5 55 60 8.3 Unknown 1 76 77 1.3 Age Group Less than 20 5 187 195 2.6 20-29 28 941 969 2.9 30-39 13 442 455 2.9 40-49 3 46 49 6.1 50-59 0 3 3 0.0 Unknown 2 32 34 5.9 TOTAL 51 1,651 1,702 3.0 MEN’S JAIL TESTING PROGRAM Ethnic Group White 10 341 351 2.8 Hispanic 7 186 193 3.6 Black 2 32 34 5.9 Unknown 16 255 271 5.9 Age Group Less than 20 0 38 38 0.00 20-29 14 408 422 3.3 30-39 14 275 289 4.8 40-49 3 67 70 4.3 50-59 1 10 11 9.1 60 and older 0 2 2 0.0 Unknown 3 23 26 11.5 TOTAL 35 823 858 4.1


Source: Orange County Health Care Agency
