
Hermosa Beach Should Use Biltmore Site as Park


None of the Biltmore site measures were approved by Hermosa Beach voters because they either wanted to retain the city-owned property or because the council was not able to overcome the gray areas caused by misinformation and uncertainty of what would happen if any choice passed.

However, the message is clear. The people have said: “Do not develop our property.” It could be that they didn’t want more traffic and congestion.

Open space is a most valuable asset and will only become more valuable as more and more people with more cars move to our area.


In Southern California we will have almost half again more people in the next 25 years as we had in 1984. Our open space is in great danger.

I have attended many meetings of elected officials and study staffs in the South Bay to discuss our mutual congestion problems. No one has come up with a solution.

Responsible, caring elected officials will say it is time to stop overdevelopment with its resultant congestion and pollution. We can’t handle what we have now! Hermosa Beach has voted not to contribute to the problem.

Yes, we do have a large beautiful beach park, but many of us do not use the beach. A place to sit and enjoy the ocean would be most welcome to many citizens. Until we can clarify those gray areas and the city’s financial position to the voters, there is only one prudent course of action. The Biltmore site should be cleaned up, beautifully landscaped and available for enjoyment by everyone.


City Council member,

Hermosa Beach
