
Uniformed Guards at Polling Places


Tom Fuentes, Orange County Republican chairman, is taking a bum rap on the alleged intimidation of Santa Ana Hispanic voters by uniformed security guards. For sure, mistakes were made, in spite of good intentions, to ensure that only legally registered citizens vote. However, Tom intended no harm and none actually occurred to those of his heritage. Legal residents do not nor need not feel intimidated by harmless, honest signs.

As a past member of the Central Committee, I, for confidential reasons, would not have supported Tom for chairman. Yet, he has done an outstanding job these last 4 years, arguably the best ever. Moreover, he has performed many fine political, personal and charitable favors for county residents, especially politicians and Hispanics. They should now come forth and speak up in his behalf lest this overblown situation gives the Republican Party an undeserved reputation. Why are they silent or unfairly critical?


Costa Mesa
