
The State : 6 Accused of Medical Fraud

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Six people, including a doctor, have been charged with medical insurance fraud involving clinics in Modesto and Stockton that served Southeast Asian immigrants. Modesto police said patients were given cursory examinations of their ears and throats, but private insurance companies or Medi-Cal then were billed for complete exams. Officers said an investigation by state and local agencies disclosed apparent fraudulent insurance claims amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The state attorney general’s office issued a 21-count complaint, charging conspiracy and crimes ranging from submission of fraudulent insurance claims to forging prescriptions, grand theft and practicing medicine without a license. Those arrested included Lee Doaon of Stockton, who owns Indochinese Medical Clinic in Modesto, and Phom Phen Medical Clinic in Stockton. Also arrested was Dr. Eugene Carmody of Modesto.
