
A Long Island woman charged that heavyweight...

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A Long Island woman charged that heavyweight champion Mike Tyson sexually molested her in a Manhattan disco last weekend.

The woman, Lori Davis, 29, of Bay Shore, N.Y., said she will file a $1-million lawsuit against Tyson for mental anguish and trauma. She is the second woman to charge that Tyson molested her in the same disco on the same night.

Davis said that while she was dancing with a male partner at Bentley’s Disco Lounge on East 40th Street in New York around 2 a.m. Sunday, “Someone grabbed my behind under my dress.


“I turned around and screamed, ‘Try that again and I’ll slap you,’

“Then it dawned on me that I was screaming at the heavyweight champion of the world.”

Davis said Tyson “put his hands up in the air and said ‘Whoa, whoa, we have a live one here,’ ” then moved to another area of the disco with two companions.

Asked if her male partner confronted Tyson on the dance floor, she replied: “No, the man had common sense.”

Tyson, in Los Angeles, said: “I don’t even know this person. I don’t know what happened.”
