
Chronicling the Big Chill in Los Angeles


Your article left me dumbfounded and speechless. I have lived in the West San Fernando Valley for 33 years. My husband and I raised two daughters who attended local schools.

I have never felt this sense of lost community that you wrote about. My family and I have always been involved in community concerns. In recent years my husband and I have been especially involved in environmental issues working mostly through the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. Since our interest in the environment, we have more friends now than we’ve ever had.

Since working through Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization, we know more of our neighbors than we have ever known. We meet more neighbors by volunteering on the election board.


The bottom line and a partial answer to the problem you state is so widespread here in Southern California, is don’t be afraid to get involved. Say yes when asked to do a simple volunteer job for the community. Ask the people who know. They’ll tell you that it’s hard to find workers.


Woodland Hills
