
Beverly Hills : Court Denies Petition

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A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge has denied a petition demanding that a private law firm reimburse the city more than $33,000 in fees.

George Slaff, a lawyer who was the city’s mayor from 1968 to 1969 and from 1975 to 1976, sued Beverly Hills last October, charging that it violated the California Constitution when it retroactively raised the retainer paid to the firm Richards, Watson & Gershon from $725,000 last year to $840,000 this year. The firm has been handling most of the city’s legal affairs since May, 1987.

The City Council approved the raise last Sept. 6 after it received an opinion from another law firm saying the action did not violate the Constitution. Richards, Watson & Gershon said the raise was necessary because the firm had spent at least $260,000 more than it was paid by the city during the first year of service in Beverly Hills. The raise went into effect retroactively on May 1, 1988.


The court denied Slaff’s petition on Dec. 28. Slaff said he plans to appeal.
