
LAPD’s Pride and Dedication

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Our son, David Lee Hofmeyer, was one of the three Los Angeles Police Department officers killed while on duty during the morning watch on Dec. 12 (“3 L.A. Officers Die as Squad Cars Collide,” Part I, Dec. 13).

As his parents we wanted to take a moment to express our pride in our son serving as an officer on one of the finest police departments in the country. Dave was proud to be serving with the LAPD and he loved his job, the very job that claimed his life. We take great solace in the fact that Dave died doing what he wanted to do--to protect and to serve as part of the “thin blue line.” He lived life in the same manner in which he died--to the fullest measure! He was dedicated to doing his best because he was so proud to be serving with the finest.

We found that this type of dedication is not unusual among officers in the LAPD. During the few weeks we spent in Los Angeles at the time of Dave’s death, we became acquainted with many fine exemplary officers. We are proud to say we shared our grief and received much compassion, understanding and Christian support from many LAPD personnel ranging from Chief Daryl Gates to officers who were acquaintances or partners with Dave prior to his death. Our family left Los Angeles with a deep sense of pride and a better understanding of what it took to wear the blue uniform of the LAPD.


Everyone we met in the LAPD was very professional and exhibited genuine concern for our welfare and that of the other grieving families. They truly are some of the finest, most dedicated people involved in a difficult and often thankless profession.


Orange City, Iowa
