
Nation : Wedtech Accomplice Given 6 Years

From Times staff and wire service reports

A tearfully contrite Bernard Ehrlich, once a law partner of former U.S. Rep. Mario Biaggi and a key figure in the Wedtech scandal, was sentenced today to six years in prison for racketeering and other crimes.

“I deserve anything I get for what I’ve done. I feel sick over what I’ve done,” Ehrlich told Judge Constance Baker Motley in U.S. District Court. Motley admonished Ehrlich for his “major and substantial role” in the Wedtech scheme and fined him $222,000. Ehrlich, a former deputy commander of the New York National Guard, could have received 135 years in prison and been fined $6.3 million. He is the last major figure in the scam to be sentenced.
