
Rush Is Named Vice President of New Cal State San Marcos

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Richard Rush, who has been dean of San Diego State University’s North County Center in San Marcos, has been named vice president of the new Cal State San Marcos and will take responsibility for the new campus until a president is selected.

Rush’s appointment was announced by W. Ann Reynolds, chancellor of the California State University system.

“His expertise will be invaluable in coordinating the transition to a full-service campus,” Reynolds said. “There are literally thousands of details involved in creating a new campus, and it is imperative that an able administrator be on the scene to oversee those details. Dr. Rush’s familiarity with the site and with the operations of the North County Center will be a great asset.”


A new president for Cal State San Marcos is expected to be named this summer, and will assume responsibility for the campus by September. The university is expected to open to upper-division students in the fall of 1992, and to freshmen and sophomores in 1995.
