
President Reagan’s Farewell Address


The Reagan presidency should be judged on the basis of Reagan’s goals and of those who share his political philosophy. Black leaders give Reagan a failing grade, because he has opposed many social programs that they favor. Leaders of women’s organizations give Reagan a failing grade, because he has opposed abortion, comparable worth, and the equal rights amendment. Other critics include supporters of gay rights, who accuse Reagan of ignoring the AIDS epidemic, and pacifists, who favored a nuclear freeze when Reagan was sending missiles to Europe.

I don’t recall President Reagan running for office as a feminist, a gay rights activist, or an advocate of more social welfare spending. Reagan’s political agenda can be summed up by four goals: (1) cut taxes, (2) build up our military, (3) appoint conservative judges, and (4) slow the tide toward a welfare state. He’s been crusading on behalf of these positions since he campaigned for Barry Goldwater in 1964.

Under Reagan, the top tax rate has gone from 70% to 33%. Our military buildup, including the installation of nuclear missiles in Europe, has reversed Soviet expansionism and led to the INF agreement. Three conservatives have been added to the U.S. Supreme Court and a fourth has been elevated to chief justice; he’s appointed approximately 50% of our other federal judges. Even the deficit, which President Reagan sees as his greatest failure, will prove to be an ally in the fight against an ever expanding welfare state.


President Reagan said of his Presidency, “ . . . Not bad, not bad at all.” Even in his self-evaluation, he was conservative. He deserves an A.


