
Yaroslavsky Accused of Violating Campaign Laws, Shirking Debates

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Times Staff Writer

Jack McGrath, assuming the role of political provocateur in the Los Angeles City Council’s sluggish 5th District race, accused Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky of violating campaign finance laws and dodging debates at a freewheeling press conference in front of Yaroslavsky’s City Hall office.

McGrath, a former Yaroslavsky campaign manager and aide, said the councilman has failed to return $1.8 million collected when he considered running for mayor. McGrath also said that Yaroslavsky has yet to repay a $100,000 loan received when he was promoting Proposition O, the successful citywide ballot measure that outlawed oil drilling in Pacific Palisades.

“Zev has serious financial problems,” McGrath maintained. “Have any of these checks been returned? . . . I think that Zev is in deep doo doo.”


Yaroslavsky’s office immediately refuted McGrath’s charges. Campaign manager Karin Caves said McGrath is “absolutely off the wall.” She said Yaroslavsky has already started returning his mayoral campaign money.

Handwritten Checks

“More than 4,000 checks have to be handwritten,” Caves said. “That’s unprecedented. No one has had to do that before. Everyone has been working on it. We’ve been working on it for a week and we’re moving as fast as we can.”

Ironically, McGrath was one of Yaroslavsky’s 4,000 contributors. He has asked that his $500 be forwarded to the Salvation Army, according to Caves.


On the matter of Yaroslavsky’s $100,000 loan, Caves said the money came from Bill Haber, an entertainment agent who is a longtime supporter.

Caves confirmed that the loan is outstanding. She said Yaroslavsky intends to repay it out of his “Friends of Yaroslavsky” campaign treasury. Caves would not say how much money Yaroslavsky has on hand, not counting funds raised for his mayoral bid. She denied that he is in financial trouble.

McGrath said Yaroslavsky needs to be more forthcoming with the voters. He said the councilman has ignored invitations to a series of forums.


“Mr. Yaroslavsky has got to come out of the Rose Garden,” McGrath said at Thursday’s news conference. “Zev has got to come and meet his maker.”

McGrath, who ran Yaroslavsky’s first campaign, said he was referring to himself as Yaroslavsky’s maker. “I made him in 1975,” McGrath said. “And I want to tell Zev that it’s time for him to return to the private sector.”

Contention Disputed

Again, however, Caves claimed that McGrath was playing fast and loose with the facts. She said Yaroslavsky has agreed to debate his four opponents whenever he has the time. “We have priorities, but we do expect to engage in debates whenever Zev’s schedule permits it,” Caves said.

McGrath, 43, a late entrant in the 5th District council race, is seen as an extreme long shot. Yaroslavsky’s other opponents include Westwood activist Laura M. Lake, traffic consultant Ryan Snyder and artist Henry Hill.

At his Thursday news conference, McGrath said he has raised about $7,000, most of which has gone to pay for a political advertisement on cable television. The North Hollywood resident, who is on leave from his real estate job during the campaign, said he expects to run a grass-roots campaign.

McGrath contends that the 5th District has gone to seed under Yaroslavsky. He pledged to slow commercial growth and generally improve the quality of life for 5th District residents burdened by traffic congestion and commercial development. McGrath said he would limit himself to two terms.


“My message is obvious,” McGrath said. “It’s time for a change.”
