
Program for Parolees

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Last year it was LAMP (Los Angeles Men’s Place) in the Echo Park area, and now another program (“Parolees Forced Out of Mt. Washington,” Glendale Section 1/26/88) is in serious (closure is serious) trouble because of the arrogance and ignorance of the administrators of the program. LAMP failed too, but strong community support might have circumvented the tangential issue that appeared.

This time it’s essentially a public agency program, not a private one. While some parolees may have done well in the long run, the secrecy and multiple violations of law, regulations and ethics would have caused major problems in a program for ex-convicts. Money is wasted, and both parolees and public are ill-served. Such events are not rare, and it should surprise no one that “rehabilitation” is viewed so negatively. (Recall the events of the recent presidential election.)

A major battle was fought to get the law exempting facilities of six and under from local zoning control. Such dishonesty helps no one, and I really have to wonder about the meaning of Bible study in the program. Jackie Brown is not entitled to be “disconsolate,” not even close to it. She is still arrogant and self-centered, given what the Department of Corrections, Transwestern Institute and Jackie Brown did. They hurt many others and damaged the future.



Glassell Park
