
Montebello : Condemnation ‘Safeguard’ Added to Special Ballot

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The Montebello City Council has approved the addition of a third measure on the ballot of a special election called to settle the fate of two hotly disputed redevelopment ordinances.

The two ordinances, passed by the council in November, give the Community Redevelopment Agency condemnation power over properties in two mostly industrial areas in south Montebello.

But because of pressure from a vocal south Montebello citizens group, the council decided to suspend the ordinances and seek voter approval in a special election, scheduled May 2.


Last week, the council, under continuing criticism that the two ordinances could be changed in the future by another council, agreed to add a third ballot measure that would “safeguard” the restrictions drafted into the ordinances, City Administrator Joseph Goeden said.

The third question asks voters whether they favor adding a provision to the two ordinances that prohibits any future council from making any changes in the local laws without voter approval.

“This will add the protections that the voters want,” Goeden said, acknowledging that the provision, if passed, will tie a future council’s hands.


The dispute over the two ordinances, which would give the city the right to exercise condemnation power over properties in the two redevelopment areas, has developed into a council referendum.
