
After considering rock singer Prince and a...

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After considering rock singer Prince and a Fundamentalists Anonymous leader, editors of the satirical humor magazine, The Wittenburg Door, have chosen Jessica Hahn as their “theologian of the year.”

Editors at the evangelical-oriented magazine, based in El Cajon, said with tongue in cheek that “candidates” included Prince, whose “LoveSexy” album they termed “a hedonistic collection of theological gibberish,” and Richard Yao, a founder of Fundamentalists Anonymous whom they regarded as an evangelist-in-reverse during a published interview in the same issue of the bimonthly.

But Hahn, who lived last year at the Playboy Mansion and made a topless and a later nude appearance in Playboy magazine following the 1987 revelations of her sexual encounter with then-PTL evangelist Jim Bakker, won the hearts of Senior Editor Mike Yaconelli and his colleagues at The Door.


“In the September, 1988, issue of Playboy, Jessica was able to crystallize theologically the relationship between faith and nudity, sex and heaven, Pleasing God and Pleasing Myself, and much, much more,” they wrote.

The editors quoted Hahn’s advice published in Playboy to those who have hurt: “I spoke with God and asked for a miracle. The next day Playboy called. That was my miracle. Don’t give up hope.”


Elie Wiesel, the 1986 Nobel Peace laureate, will lecture 8 p.m. Thursday at Stephen S. Wise Temple in Los Angeles on the general topic of U.S.-Israeli relationships. Wiesel’s talk, the first of a series sponsored by the temple and the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League, has a general admission price of $40. Wiesel was among international Jewish leaders who were in Moscow Sunday attending the opening of the first Jewish center there in more than 50 years.


The Rev. Fred Fenton, rector of St. Augustine-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Santa Monica, is one of six candidates for bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Western Louisiana. The election will be held in Alexandria, La., March 13. Fenton noted that no priest of the Los Angeles Episcopal Diocese has been elected a bishop in another diocese since the Rev. John Burt of Pasadena was elected bishop of Ohio in 1967. Pasadena’s George Regas was nominated last year for a New York City post but was not elected.


KCBS-TV, Channel 2, will retell the story this afternoon (5:30 p.m.-6 p.m.) of a Los Angeles black spiritual choir, “Wings Over Jordan,” that was given a Sunday morning program by the CBS radio network in 1937. It was the first network program featuring and hosted by black musicians. Despite demands for cancellation of the program, which provided a forum also for commentary on civil rights, “Wings Over Jordan” remained on the air for 13 years.
