
Demolition Stalled Until Building Plan Is Drafted

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Times Staff Writer

The West Hollywood City Council decided Monday night to delay action on Brass Properties’ request to demolish two houses on Bonner Drive while the developer and representatives from the West Hollywood West Residents Assn. formulate a master plan for the two properties and others on Rosewood Avenue owned by Brass.

Brass has agreed to work out a plan with West Hollywood West representatives and city staff that would:

Specify building height limits and require compatible architectural style for development on Bonner Drive and Rosewood Avenue;


Require that Brass first develop its Rosewood Avenue property, where two damaged buildings now stand;

Require that the developers post a bond to assure compliance with the plan.

The plan is aimed at preventing the developer from demolishing properties and leaving empty lots.

Empty Lots

“I’m not against them building if they start building the minute they tear down,” said Harriett Hassler, a resident of Bonner Drive for 39 years.


West Hollywood West President Marty Strudler said residents’ concerns may have arisen from the demolition several years ago of four houses on the corner of Rosewood Avenue and Sherbourne Drive. The lots have been empty since then. Lorraine Howell, a Brass official, said the company was not able to develop the lots before a building moratorium went into effect when the city was incorporated in 1984.

Strudler said he was encouraged by the master plan agreement. “I think it’s workable. Just getting everybody to agree on something is a big step “ Strudler said.

The demolition permit request for the Bonner Drive houses was filed in August and approved by the city Community Development department in November. However, the Planning Commission then denied the demolition permit to allow residents time to investigate the historical significance of the Bonner properties. The properties were found to be historically insignificant. Meanwhile, Brass appealed the Planning Commission denial to the City Council.
