
A Metal Church for Exclusive Worshiping

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Metal Church is one of those classic heavy bands that seems destined never to gain mainstream acceptance. Maybe that’s what filled the Country Club with worshipers for the group’s Saturday night show--with dozens of metal bands crossing over to the pop world, this may be one the metal-heads get to keep to themselves.

For those who are willing to listen with an open mind, however, the veteran Seattle-based quintet offers more than standard heavy-handed fare. Such epic songs as “Anthem to the Estranged,” from the group’s new “Blessing in Disguise” album, have moody rhythmic changes and beautifully textural guitars.

On its current tour, Metal Church is sporting a couple of new members--guitarist John Marshall and vocalist Mike Howe. The lion’s share of the attention went to Howe, who, in spite of his slight frame and boyishly handsome face, has a wide-ranging singing style that is downright vicious.


Opener Meliah Rage, with its beefy, bearded singer and brutal metal sound, was one-dimensional--but with purpose. The Boston-based quintet’s wall of angry sound traveled into the realm of self-parody and if that was the group’s intent, it worked amusingly.

Both bands will be performing at the Roxy tonight.
