
Donors Great and Small

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Regarding Randy Lewis’ column of March 5 in the Calendar (“Need $10,000? Let’s See, Just Where’s That Wallet?”), I think some clarification may be called for.

South Coast Repertory is a nonprofit organization. Like other nonprofits, we depend on gifts from the community in order to operate. These range from $35 to major donations of over $100,000. SCR has long understood and noted that we are dependent on every gift we receive, regardless of the amount.

Throughout the season, as other organizations do, SCR prints letters from the officers of its board, updating the audience on various aspects of the theater’s activities and fund-raising campaigns. Mr. Lewis has attended the theater on many other occasions and must be aware that other letters throughout the season have encouraged support of any amount. Mrs. Flamson is the vice president responsible for raising endowment gifts--the long-term, larger-denomination gifts to build buildings, purchase lighting boards, do artistic research and development (i.e., commission new plays).


It is regrettable that Mr. Lewis’ column, while admittedly aiming for humor, shed negative light on an active volunteer and gave the impression that SCR is only concerned with the donors who give large gifts at the expense of others. In fact, there are thousands of people whose support keeps SCR thriving.

It takes community partnership and commitment to build a nationally acclaimed, professional resident theater. And it takes the support of single-ticket buyers, subscribers, volunteers, annual donors and capital donors--each participating at the level at which they are most comfortable--to make it work.

Until one has made that kind of commitment to an organization performing an important role in your community, I don’t feel it’s appropriate to knock those who do.



Director of Development

South Coast Repertory Theatre

Costa Mesa

Please keep letters brief and include full name, address and phone number. Mail to: Orange County Calendar Letters, Los Angeles Times, P.O. Box 2008, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626.
