

Clipboard researched by Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Location: Corner of Campus Drive and Jamboree Road, Irvine.

Information: (714) 856-5833

Description: The 8-acre arboretum (5 1/2 acres are in cultivation) overlooks the university’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve, and contains one of the world’s largest collections of southern African flowering bulbs--primarily iris, lily and amaryllis. Also held are large collections of aloe (140 species) and southern African succulents. The bulbs, which are collected in the wild by arboretum director Charles O’Neill, are now in their peak blooming season. They are contained in four shade-cloth houses on the arboretum grounds.

Tours: Drop-in visitors can take a self-guided tour of the collections. Groups can schedule tours in advance by calling the arboretum.

Events: Annual arboretum events include an African rare bulb sale each August (planned for Aug. 12 this year).


Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed weekends and university holidays.

Admission: No charge.

Mass transit: OCTD routes 71, 74. Call (714) 636-6283 for information.
