
Operation Rescue and Poll on Abortion

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While I was raised a Christian and would probably not personally have an abortion, I am opposed to the tactics of the anti-abortionists. I believe that if I were to have an abortion, only I should have the right to make that choice--not the church, not another human being, and certainly not the government.

I urge all intelligent people to join us in preventing the Jim Jones’ wannabe, Randy Terry, from dictating what we can and can’t do with our bodies. Simply because a person says God told him to do something, does not make it so. Just like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and numerous psychotics, Terry is determined to kill innocent people by tolerating bombings of abortion clinics in the name of pro-life.

It’s time those of us who do not support these radical-right extremists to take a stand against them. If we don’t, they could very well convince our government that they speak for all of us, and they certainly don’t speak for this Christian!


I will be there supporting Planned Parenthood. Not so much because I support abortion, but because I respect the right of the individual to make that choice. We cannot stand by and let others take away our freedom of choice.


Los Angeles
