
Sports Agent Lloyd Bloom to Face Three Felony Charges in Van Nuys

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Sports agent Lloyd Bloom has three felony counts for bad checks awaiting him in California when he completes his trial in Chicago on multiple counts of racketeering, mail fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud and racketeering.

The trial of Bloom, 29, and partner Norby Walters, 58, went to the jury Thursday. If convicted, they could face prison terms of more than 20 years and thousands of dollars in fines.

Det. Patrick Green of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Van Nuys division said Thursday that he arrested Bloom late in 1988 when Bloom was operating what Green called a “credit restoration business” in Encino.


A trial date initially was set for late March but was continued until the Chicago proceedings are completed.

Deputy Dist. Atty. Robert Dver of the Van Nuys Municipal Court said Bloom has been charged with three felony counts involving 12 checks totaling $17,000. Even if Bloom is convicted in Chicago, Dver said, he is to appear April 18 in Van Nuys to schedule a preliminary hearing on the other charges.
