
Mission Viejo : Group Files Papers to Recall City Councilman

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Some Mission Viejo residents have filed papers announcing their intent to seek the recall of City Councilman Robert A. Curtis.

The group, led by Helen Monroe, filed notice of intent to recall Curtis at the City Council meeting Monday night.

In a press release, Monroe charged that Curtis was working for his own best interest when he promoted the controversial annexation of Aegean Hills. She also accused him of sending unethical mailers that called community service candidates big spenders. She added that he represented a city employee and only moved to Mission Viejo to become eligible to run for election.


Curtis said Tuesday that the recall group’s charges are “totally false,” adding that he believes that the recall effort was launched because his opponents cannot accept his election victory.

“It’s disturbing that the proponents (of the recall) are still bitter over (City Councilman) Bill Craycraft and I winning the election without their approval,” Curtis said.

But Curtis acknowledged that he did move from Aegean Hills to Mission Viejo to be eligible for the election and that it was well known among the voters at the time. But he argued that when he was a resident of Aegean Hills, he also was a part of the Mission Viejo community.


“I’ve got deeper roots in this community than anybody else on the council,” said Curtis, who has lived in the area since 1967.

Curtis now has until next week to respond to the recall papers, and Monroe’s group will have 120 days to gather and submit signatures on a recall petition.
